Ed Zackery Disease

Started by GSF, February 16, 2014, 09:21:32 AM

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As Mary's age brought her into the thirties she began to be very concerned about not having a husband. Heck, she hadn't had a date in the last couple of years. As her concern grew she became more bumed out and decided to go see a renown Chinese doctor in town, Dr Hue.

When she got in the room she explained to Dr Hue her concerns and distress about her situation and ask if he could examine her and make some recommendations. He tells her to step behind the curtain, get undwessed and retwurn to table.

Now get on yu hands and knees and cwawl away from me to wall,
now cwal bak.
agin pwese
juss wun mo time.

As Mary put's her clothes back on the good dr begins to rub his forehead and pace back and forth.

Dis is terwirable! Dis is terwirable, so terwiable.
What is it Doctor? What do I have?
Oh mi gosh, you have Ed Zackery disease, worss case I eva saw. Dis is terwiable!

Am I going to Die??? What does it mean??? Tell Doc, tell me!

Yu not gowin to die

What? What then does it mean?

It mean, yu face look edzackery like yu butt.
When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.


