Have you had luck with Wooten golden queens

Started by adamant, May 01, 2013, 10:30:05 AM

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Looking into the wooten line of queens. have you used them in the past?

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I got three last fall. We had a huge mite problem in the hives but didn't know it when we put the queens in. One hive winter killed, probably due to the mites. One hive overwintered and came into early spring very strong but were queenless when we opened the hive the first time this spring  :? The other hive lost all of the bees, it had only 200 or so workers and the queen. We now have her in another hive but haven't had much time to see what she will do.

So we havne't had much luck, but we also don't know why the two had problems, might not have been the queens at all. Sorry I am not much help.