Cold Weather vs canned items

Started by GSF, January 10, 2014, 06:33:32 AM

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I've been curious for a while about this so I thought I'd do a test.

So far I see no adverse effect on the items I left outside. I set outside a pressure canned quart jar of squash, a store bought can of chicken noodle soup, and a store bought can of Hormel Chili with beans. They were place outside early Monday morning as the temperature started dropping. I put them on top of my little 2x4 table I shoot off of. They were in the open away from everything in the direct wind. The temp here Tuesday morn was 9, Wed it was 13. It was below freezing from Monday mid morning to sometimes Wed.
It got no higher than the twenties during most of this time.

All three froze. The squash was pushed up into the neck of the jar, and the cans didn't make any sound when I shook them.

Last Night: No sign of any swelling in the cans - but I'll have a closer look Sunday, and the lid is still sealed on the jar.

When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.


When growing up in N.C., mother canned many jars of different types of food. We never had central heat. The inside temp was the same as the outside. Never had a problem from frozen canned foods. Look at the box of mason jars. It says canning/freezing jars. We freeze food in them and it works fine.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*


I don't can, but I've had plenty of things (like copper water lines) burst when water turns to solid ice.  Water has the force to break about anything when it freezes.  With the air space at the top of a can, maybe the water expands up as it freezes, instead of pushing the glass apart.

Joe D

I know what you mean Iddee, my mother did also.  We would put up 100 jars of tomatoes, 100 jars of green beans, jelly of several types, figs and etc.  Would freeze in bags pinkeyed purple hull peas and crowders, corn, squash, peaches and okra.  Would pick up pecans, carry shelled corn over to the grist mill for corn meal, store sweet potatoes in crib (corn crib).  We would kill a yearling, chicken and a hog, usually had plenty of meat.  Wish the youngens could have such experiences.  We did get central heat/air in 1990.



no ac 8 years
ya its hot
yet we love the electric bills, will never go back
up theirs