forty-five years of misery is enough

Started by Spear, July 02, 2014, 02:48:59 PM

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A man in Scotland calls his son in London the day before Christmas
Eve and says, "I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your
mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" the son screams.

"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer" the father says.
"We're sick of each other and I'm sick of talking about this, so you
call your sister in Leeds and tell her."

Frantically, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. "Like
hell they're getting divorced!" she shouts, "I'll take care of this!"

She calls Scotland immediately, and screams at her father "You are
NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm
calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow.Until then,
don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. "Sorted! They're
coming for Christmas and they're paying their own way."


When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.



I know a "frugal" Scot to forward that one to!!

"Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation." - Milton Friedman


"Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking." J. C. Watts



this deserves more than a smiley face or two. maybe three, well done


Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


 :cheer: :cheer: It needed two, I'm part Scottish.   -Mike
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