8 - Frame Radial Honey Extractor - Colorado

Started by The Bix, March 08, 2011, 08:48:25 PM

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The Bix

This extractor will spin 8 medium or shallow frames radially. Spin them once and your done! No flipping the frames around to extract the other side. It will spin deep frames too, but those have to be done four at a time and tangentially (flipping required). The extractor was built in August and used for three different extracting sessions so far. The unit is powered by a 1/2" corded electric drill (seen in picture but not included). It was tested and works fine with a cordless drill or a 3/8" drill also. Come and see it.

All plastic parts are made from either HDPE or UHMW (both food safe).
All metal parts are stainless steel.
Container is food safe plastic also.
Honey gate included and installed.

phil c

AMC cars, Jeeps, Mineapolis Moline Tractors, Bees, More stuff than I have time to play with


Is this still available? I would love some details.

John Pfaff

Make me ont for radial deeps and we will talk - I will probably buy.
John. :delivery:


Count me in for a radial deep spinner too....


Can anyone help me to get info on where I can buy this 8 frame radiaal honey extractor - colorado


this is an old post and may well have been sold long ago. You could click on the posters name(The Bix) and another window will open with the option to send a PM(private message).
Or click on this link and the pm window will open for you.

Joe D

The Bix sold a set of the internal parts to a fellow in Ga.  I bought them from him.  Did some modifying to the top frame holder, had a new longer shaft made, and incorporated a treadmill motor with speed controls.  If I were to modify again would move motor to underneath instead of on top.  It does work fine.  Here is  some pic of mine, didn't find pic with motor.    The Bix may still have one.


pics didn't show.