Ticked ONE of 'em off

Started by Kris^, April 02, 2006, 04:52:24 PM

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I did a split today, after discovering that my attempt at queen rearing went down the tubes.  All went well, and the bees weren't acting TOO angry about what I was doing.  Later, though, I was in the garden stringing line for my cabbage plants, and ONE bee kept buzzing me.  I was over 70 feet from the hives!  After dodging 3 or 4 attacks, I decided to give it up for a lost cause, shower and go to Staples for supplies.  I can always plant later.

They know my smell now . . .

-- Kris


It is interesting how some workers pull an attitude, I've been hounded all day by a nasty bee who felt I was intruding on her duties. I try to keep in mind that IF I GET STUNG, I make out much better than she does and just like you, I try to get lost and let her cool down.
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A few weeks ago my bees were oddly persuing.  I had just finished a usuall inspection and had to go mow the lawn as a once every week or two chore.  After I passed by the hive 3 times or so (the hive is about 15 feet through bushes to the lawn) one or two started headbutting me.  Then it grew to the point of unconfortability, around 6-7.  I had to quit early but, the bees remained somewhat "on edge" for the rest of the day.  Thing is, that's the only time they've been that aggressive, ever.  I'll go through every frame of every super and not even have a sting to show for it.  Go figure...