Need some advice

Started by tom, April 19, 2006, 12:44:51 AM

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Hello to all i have gotten two package swarms from Koehnen & sons and everything is going well i was given six frames of drawn comb and two of these were filled with honey. So now i have been feeding them and after hiving them it was not long they were bringing in pollen. So today i went into them both and they were doing fine my first hive i saw plenty of eggs and larvae but the second hive i only saw a few the queens has hardly no room to lay because i saw all frames filled with both syrup and pollen should i stop feeding them i see some wild cherry trees blooming and blackberries are coming in need some advice on should i stop feeding and see how it goes my bees are cordovan workers and the queen is carniolan bred with cordovan drones does anyone has this mix and how do they look.


Quote from: tomHello to all i have gotten two package swarms from Koehnen & sons and everything is going well i was given six frames of drawn comb and two of these were filled with honey. .

Stop feeding this too. If they consume their food take a frame from another hive.

.... but the second hive i only saw a few the queens has hardly no room to lay because i saw all frames filled with both syrup and pollen should i stop feeding them...

Surely you should. But situation seems bad. Hive one frame of foundation more so they may arrange more brood area.


Thank you finsky for your advice but each hive was given only one frame of honey and the rest was empty. But i will stop feeding and see how they do i just want enough room for my queens to lay and build my colonies up but i will be keeping a close eye on them to make sure they do not run out of food all of the frames are full of syrup, pollen and somes eggs and they are heavy if you have any more advice i am always open to suggestions thanks again.


Michael Bush

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Thank you guys for all the advice not only on here but from some of my older beekeepers that i know. I just got home and went to check on them and they are fanning and working very well without the syrup so i will check them out at the end of the week and move the combs filled with honey and pollen and put the ones that have not been drawn out close to the brood that will give them more room and something to work on.



Quote from: tom... will give them more room and something to work on.


Don't give more room or frames what bees can occupy. Unoccupied space makes heat loss to brood area.


Hello Mr. Finsky

 I will do that i will not take from the heat but when is it the best time to move the undrawn comb close to them or will they fill it out as they need it i just want to give the queen some more room to lay her eggs and to keep them from wanting to swarm and they are not built up enough. I have been keeping a close watch on them and they are working real good the first hive is rolling and the second one is doing good they are close behind hive one. What do you think of the mix that i will have once the new bees start to come out my queen is carniolan and was mated with cordovan drones which the workers that came with her and a strawberry blonde color will they be a dark italian or matbe a mix of strawberry color and a dark grey.