Opinions Needed

Started by billdean, June 04, 2016, 10:55:12 PM

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The above site suggest this:

Another great use of an OA Vaporizer:

Want to avoid the chore of the sugar roll or alcohol wash to count mites? Or just want to see what phoretic mites are in your hive. Try using your vaporizer. Just vaporize as normal then afterwards insert your sticky board. The drop on the second day will show you about 95% of the phoretic mites you have killed. You can then imagine what?s still in your brood ready to emerge as 80-85% of all mites reside in the brood. You can then decide whether you need follow up with a treatment regimen.


It sounds like they want you to treat your hives just to see if they need treating.  Sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me.  If someone is going to treat their hives(with anything), find out whether it is necessary first.  Then treat correctly.  I personally think the overtreatment of hives is a big part of the problem.  I haven't treated my hives and don't plan to.  I may be biased on this issue.


Same here. If you are worried, just put your sticky board or oil tray under the hive and see how many mites are dropping in a 24 hour period. If you are using foundation less, I will bet it is low.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin