Cell Punching

Started by little john, June 02, 2016, 03:41:13 PM

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little john

Just wondered if anyone on here is into cell-punching ?

I had a go a few years ago, and the punching itself worked pretty good - but one problem I ran into was that the bees firmly glued the wooden 'mushrooms' I was using onto the cell-raising bars.  This made it difficult to extract the individual q/cells without risking damage to them.

So - I've made-up another kind of frame, using Terry clips to hold the stalk of the 'mushroom' (old system in the foreground) :

I have no doubt that they'll glue-up that frame too - but hopefully not so badly as before.


A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping - http://heretics-guide.atwebpages.com

Roger Patterson

Little John,

I have used the cell punch method for over 45 years. It works well and is my favourite method of raising queen cells. I have used Terry clips for a long time and they don't get gummed up.
Look on Dave Cushman's website for details http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/roger_punch_frame.html

Roger Patterson.

little john

post deleted
A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping - http://heretics-guide.atwebpages.com

Roger Patterson

Following this thread and discussions elsewhere I have modified and updated the information on Dave Cushman's website http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/cellpunch.html.

I hope this is helpful.

Roger Patterson.