when it rains it more like a flood.

Started by divemaster1963, July 19, 2016, 03:00:05 AM

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Will alot of you know the end of my season ended when I got hurt. But now for the big kicker!

I was woken up Sunday morning at 7:30 to the sound of big helicopter flying tree top level over my house. I have little over three acres he with ten of my strongest hives full of honey and bees. When I went outside I realized that thy were spraying. I immediately called sheriff's office and asked what was happing? They had no idea. So I requested a deputy to come out. I the call the DNR office and left message then called agricultural depart and left message. Buy now it was about eleven . the deputy showed up and we talked. He stopped and talked to pilot and ground crew. He got all there names the company name and Forester who hired them to spray. I requested a different report be made out and the deputy said he would and gave me a case no. He asked if my hives where registered and told him it was not required but that I was registered with the US AGR Dept because I do there beekeeper assiment survey each year. He then told me he asked the political if he posted notice of spraying . he said no and that he did not think he had to because he didn't think beekeepers were in the area.the deputy said to me that at least the wind was not in my direction. Just as he said it the winds turn 180 degrees right at us.  The herbicide they were using kills everything but pine trees.today the DNR and Ag. Dept called and wants to take soil, vegetation and any dead bees,sample of waxed frames and honey. They seem concerned. My ornamental cherry trees all now have leaves turning yellow over night the one tomato plant I still had in a five gallon bucket the leaves shriveled up.you can smell the herbicide in the air. So now I have lost the entire honey havest that a friend of mine was going to help me harvest in late August( I cannot and will not sell honey that may have pesticides or herbicide in it.) Possible the bees, frames of drawn comb,boxes might
be saved if I burn and scrub them. I figure a possible loss of close to 10000 dollars or more. But now that I have a paper trail of what happened I may be able to go after the landowner, Forester and pilot. By the way when the DNR director called me she said that she could only he my first name and the phone no. Because the sound of the helicopter over head  made it hard to understand what I was saying.



Geez, John.   I'm so sorry to hear this.   Keep us posted.
Robin Edmundson

Beekeeping since 2012

Michael Bush

Good luck.  Sorry to hear of your losses.  I have trouble understanding a world where my neighbors can spray poisons in the air and I have no recourse, but people in the village of 200 next to me can't have chickens because they might bother the neighbors...
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Well the agricultural Dept. Showed up. We walked back to the creek behind property then I made statement. He took leaf samples around my house. The stated that they well be investigating the property owner and the Forester plus the pilot to see if they had propper licenses to spray and that they followed propper procedures in applying the chemicals.And that they will send me a report of there findings. I went out into the yard today and you can see leaves  curlling up on the plants and trees. MMan this is a mess.



John I'm very sorry & completely shocked to read this. My sincere sympathy for your losses.
I too will be following this thread - please keep us updated.

"The herbicide they were using kills everything but pine trees." Do you know which chemical/s they used?

How is your own health & that of your family after this incident?
"Every day is a journey & the journey itself is home." Matsuo Basho


I'll be keeping everyone up to date. As soon as I get the report I'll let everyone know. As far  as the wife and I . I take  care of the wife and me. She has a rare genetic disease that is incurable and untreatable. Plus she is on oxegen. Little no mobility. Me for now the medication I'm on  makes it illegal for me to drive. ( very drowsiness and slow response) hoping to change it next week. Have niegbors who have driven me to store and pharmacy when they can. So just one day at time.


Wow John - I'm so sorry to hear of the health challenges you & your wife were dealing with before this happened. Being sprayed with herbicide is absolutely the last thing you guys needed on top of all that!  :(

For this to have happened to you through negligence is unbelievable & simply unacceptable.

I'll keep coming back to check on how this is progressing. You & your wife & your bees & your property are in my thoughts.
"Every day is a journey & the journey itself is home." Matsuo Basho


Sorry to hear this John.
I am not one to call a lawyer but this one screams of needing a law suit. Find a large law firm that does not charge for this type of work and turn them loose. If Morgan and Morgan work in your area, call them. John Morgan is great at this type of work.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


How's things looking today John? The bees ... the vegetation ... you guys (!) :/
"Every day is a journey & the journey itself is home." Matsuo Basho


The bees are flying but there getting water from the birdbath and fountain like they did last week. Weather has been same pass three weeks. Foliage is still shrivelling up. P!ants on deck showing lot of stress.

Wife and I OK. One day at a time.



Glad to hear you & your wife are still still on deck John :)

Have you seen your GP (General Practitioner/Treating Doctor etc) since the incident?
"Every day is a journey & the journey itself is home." Matsuo Basho


you  can see my other post about the wife and I.

have not gotten the results from the test yet. government slooooow. waiting for results also from the FDA. they took honey and wax sample from my hives here at the house. hoping hoping that they find nothing so I can salvage the season. need funds to build ramp on side of house for wife. I start rehab tues. waiting and shaking at the agony of recovery.

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Nugget Shooter

Wow John, I have no words.... Our world is upside down when this can happen. Wishing you the best outcome possible.
Learning to manage without meddling...


well I'm getting things together to start on the ramp for the house . man when did wood become as expensive as bricks? now just getting with neighbors to find the best time to start. hunting season started this pass weekend and they are all young  big families and use the meat to supplement there groceries.  I am inclinded to think that that is more important than the ramp at the moment. and Debbie agrees.


Oh by the way . I figured out what happens to retired therapist. the go to work for the CIA. they can make anyone talk and confess to anything.



well I got the results from the GDOA. the test results from folage was no dectected for Imazapyr or Glyphosate.

thank god.

FDA results show trace of Imazapyr at  0.002PPb and no Glyphosate. so my honey and wax is safe. I missed the bullet on this to. maybe god was watching out for me and kept the drifting away form my hives.

now i can plan spring splits for when my arm heals.

9 1/2 weeks post op. now for the muscle rebuilding rehah. hoping to go back to work at desk next month.




Glad to hear that John. It's about time you had some good luck.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin