need some help

Started by tom, April 27, 2006, 11:09:15 AM

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  I have just received my new queen today but the weather is raining and a little cool. I would like to know if i should go ahead and put her in without checking for more queen cells they say that the rain is to stop and clear off today here but i looked at my queen and she seems to be eating at the candy in the cage she only have two workers living and they are moving slow so i gave them some syrup and water which they took up fast if i can't get in in there today how can i keep her alive until tomarrow i do not want to lose her.



If the rain doesn't stop until tomorrow I'd keep feeding her sugar water or syrup.  I assume your hive still has a queen; otherwise wouldn't it be ok to put her in now?... I would destroy the cells (if any) before I put her in if I could.

 If she's eating the plug of sugar, couldn't you make a cake of maybe sugar syrup and powdered sugar or the like and keep it plugged till tomorrow??
People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.
- David H. Comins



   I went on and put her in i made sure all queen cells where destroyed which it was three and they were capped and after i did so i put the new queen in and they went right to her as if they knew she was mated and ready to lay they were not trying to sting her i also saw drone cells capped and i opened some of them and found no sign of mites so i will wait till saturday to see if she is out and has been excepted. Thank you for your help they are out working and some pollen i hope this works if not then they will have to make thier own and raise her.



Glad to hear it went well, good luck, let us know how it goes!
People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.
- David H. Comins



    I have not had the chance to check on my new queen i just got out of the hospital yesterday. It seems my blood sugar has gone thru the roof 382 so i have to be careful and my vision is not so good but i am going in both of them soon. but they have been working real well and i know i have a mess in this hive but i will keep you all informed.
