Last mated queen this season -- RJ injected

Started by beepro, September 19, 2018, 10:34:06 PM

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Hi, All!

This is my last mated queen of the season.   Our weather is just perfect now into the mid-80s and low 90s at times.
I only want to know how far I can push queen rearing this season.   This will help me keep track of the change in
yearly weather condition as ours can change fast from Summer to winter just like that. 

My concern is whether are not there are enough drones remaining at this time to produce a well mated queen.   It is 7 days since post
emergence for this queen.   Two days ago I did a hive check on her and she seems to be mated somewhat.  She is 80% Cordovan but not quite coming from a breeder queen that laid an egg directly in a queen cup made by the bees.   The mother queen is a late mated July queen also.  I also injected 2 ml of bought RJ from the online store when this QC is in development.  The extra 2 ml RJ added immediately made the bees to seal up the QC. 

The last late summer RJ injected queen:  RJ injection syringe


Here is the mated and laying late summer queen.  It is the same queen only a bit brighter and healthy looking.
She also put out a solid pattern of eggs.   If it is the same Cordovan worker bees then I might have another
breeder queen.   I try to get some early build up Spring queens and some late summer queens each season if possible.  The extra
RJ injection may has something to do with the development of a healthier queen.   I'll have to do some more RJ experiment next season in
order to confirm this.   For now I've confirmed that raising queens from Jan to the end of Sept. is quite possible here.

After the solstice queen:  ;   ;

Van, Arkansas, USA

Those are some beautiful queens.?, the bottom pic is definitely itialian.  The first pic is Cordovan?


I now have 2 Cordovan breeder queens and all 70-80% Italians queens.   The Italians daughters once
mated with the local Cordovan drones will produce the Cordovan workers as well.   

My plan is to graft as many Cordovan breeders as I can next season.  They need to produce 90% of the
Cordovan workers though.   The competing drones are the local carnis that can survive on the ant hills without
any treatment.   


The last mated queen treated with the RJ injection also has 80% Cordovan workers.   Must be that the local carnis drones got
booted out sooner than the Cordovan drones.   I have another Cordovan queen with 99%
workers with the same color.  Almost every worker look the same.  This is my #1 breeder queen for next season to graft.   She builds up a solid brood
pattern with lots of gentle bees on the Sept. hatch.   I also mark her for this purpose.   I'm on my way to Cordovan genetic stability.