Fipronil in hives (e.g. Apithor)

Started by hydrocynus, December 15, 2018, 07:21:12 PM

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All, I know this is a topic of interest but the last thread I found was over 120 day old so I am creating a new one. As we know Fipronil is not approved in some countries to be used in hives to control hive beetles. Checkmite (active ingredient coumaphos as 10% per weight which also is an organophosphate) is the only insecticide allowed in hives to control hive beetles (and mites although some have developed an immunity to this biocide).

However, Aussies have clearance to use fipronil which is very efficient in controlling SHB in hives. The poison is housed in corrugated cardbox itself housed in a plastic housing which bees cannot chew. Only hive beetles can enter this box and get to the poison.

I know that some of you have used fipronil in their hives using corrugated plastic as well as the CD jewel case with side holes to control SHB. I would like to know if they saw any issues with their bees as fipronil has very bad effects on bees when it is ingested at 1ppb. From my readings, fipronil is pretty stable, odorless for insects, and it is not water soluble like for the other neonicotinoids. So, as long as the bees do not enter in contact with the product or the SHB escape the traps, one should be safe... but are we?

Thanks for sharing your experience with this product. Here is a link to the article which tested Apithor.


The problem both this technique is that the SHBs do not usually die immediately. They craw in and back out with the poison on them and then they craw in the comb.
I do not like adding poison to the inside of the hive in with our food.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin