1st time in hive. Learning what to look for

Started by DerekSLC, May 09, 2006, 02:49:55 PM

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The bees have been in the hive about 11 days now. Besides a frame feeder debacle, I have not been in the hive until now.  To my untrained eye the bees look to be working for a living.  I did not spot a queen but thought I could see several cells filled with curled up larvae in them without the cap. This is how I am assuming that first there is a queen.

The frame feeder was completely empty and I am considering just letting them go for it on their own. What do you think about feeding?  On warm days the field bees are collecting pollen pretty faithfully.

Should you try to keep as many frames in the hive as possible. This would be one reason that I would opt to go without the frame feeder right now.
Or should I refill the feeder one more time?  Any input would be cherished.  This is my first time at this.


As for larvae, that's great you got them, but doesn't tell you if the queen is there now (or at least in the past two days). Check for eggs. They're hard to see the first time, but once you do, you can find them easily afterwords. My wife just saw them for the first time yesterday. Hold the frame with the sun at your back so the cells are lit up. Those eggs are laid on their end so hold the frame at a slight angle to see the length of them.

Down in the Salt lake valley you are definately ahead of us up here in Cache County. I inspected yesterday and my bees didn't take much syrup in the last week. I would assume that with as far ahead of me as you are vegetatively, and climate wise, that you can drop the feeding and not worry about it anymore.

I drove through SLC last week and you definately were farther along than we. I would suggest removing it and getting that 10th frame back in.

Golfpsycho, you got any word on this? You're on the east side of the valley.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!


How much comb have they drawn?  The package bees were about 2-3 weeks later this year than last, and the nectar is already flowing in the valley.  Last year, it was pretty much over by July, and although cooler this year, I imagine it will dry up about the same time. Once they start getting some growth, and can put some bees in the field, I would pull the sugar off and let em work for a living.  Add a box when they need it, and reevaluate them about mid July.  Depending on what they get done, you may be able to take some for yourself, or have to feed them to get more comb drawn, get their stores up for winter.  I used the finski terrarium heater technique last year, along with drawn comb.  I also boosted them with frames of emerging brood for faster build up.  Ended up with a couple boomers and averaged 70 lbs.

Michael Bush

Oddly, I see every sign of a dearth in my bees right now, (they are searching every last scrap of sugar on old frames around here) and I don't know why.  It's been raining and things were blooming, but the fruit trees gave out and the dandelions all went to seed.  These are reasons to feed a package until they have some comb drawn and a bit of stores.  Just a few rainy days would set them back if you don't feed.  But once they have a little stored and there's a nectar flow, they can fend for themselves.  It's a happy medium you want.  If you feed them too much for too long they clog up the brood nest with syrup.  If you don't feed them at all and there is a dearth, a pakcage doesn't have any reserves to fall back on.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Scott Derrick

I have left 1 to 1 syrup on my bees this year. Our nectar flow have been very weak due to lack of rain. Not to mention the trend of warming up to the 90's on one day and then cooling down into the 40's  and rainy for three days in a row. Very strange weather. I noticed recently that they slowed down taking the syrup and I was going to take it off then we got a cold snap. When I went down to my hives a yesterday a couple of the jars were almost empty. I plan on filling the jars again when they go empty. I hear different trains of thought when it comes to feeding. I have heard feeding late can cause the queen to be honey bound and that you should make them work which I take note of and heed but at this point and with the weather I am sticking with the thought that they will take it when they need it. I seen this to be true with my hives so far this year.
My Bee Removal Photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/109455718186385256142
My Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/rsderrick

"You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole."
                                              Billy Graham


To you from Utah, can you tell me about where a new hive should be in a fairly good location? I am in Davis County and my bees seem to be doing great but I still dont know everything to look for. Thanks!


The bees have only been in there 11 days?  Did you install a nuc or buy a package?  Were they installed on foundation or already drawn comb?  If it was a package, the population is to decline over the next 3 weeks so, you're probably a little over a month from needing to super.  Then again, I'm assumming it was a package on foundation.