2020 New Queen still not laying

Started by Jay P, March 15, 2020, 10:14:57 AM

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Jay P

Hi everyone I am excited to say I saw the queen again in my hive but she still was not laying t
I made the split on February 3rd with a 4 to 5 day old larvae in a queen cell cup, I checked the hive again on the 23rd of February and was able to spot the queen with her head down in a cell. Since then I made another inspection discovering almost all of the brood box had been used for storing honey. I determined that there must have been too much honey for the queen to lay or honey bound. So I removed two frames of honey and in the process located and spotted the queen again she was exceptionally larger than before but still no eggs or larvae so after swapping the two honey frames out with foundationed frames I am hoping this will cure the honey bound hive and she will start laying. My question is should I check the hive again today? It has been a full week since I swapped the frames. Thanks, Jay P


Are you feeding them or do you have a flow on. If so they can build the comb for her. I would wait another week before your next inspection. When you do, just look for eggs/larvae. If you see her fine. Eggs and larvae will tell you if she is ok.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Jay P

Hi thanks for the reply Jim, I am feeding them sugar water but they weren't drinking it down like they used to at the beginning of the split so I assumed they did not need it anymore and I have a super on for honey if that is what you were referring to. I appreciate the help I will wait like you said another week and check for eggs and larvae thanks