Colony Collapse Disorder

Started by beemaster, February 28, 2007, 08:04:27 AM

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This topic is hot and sad to every Beekeeper. I think it deserves its own Forum as soon as possible.

Here I hope we can do several things:

1) List incidences that you cannot explain otherwise except for CCD.
2) Give actual numbers of hive losses, including what treatments you made for Wintering, etc.
3) Give us an idea of your experience and if you have ever had similar unexplained situations
4) Tell us how this effects your beeyard, your future of beekeeping.
5) what do you think this is, why now - what reasons (whether man made or natural)
6) what is the honeybee future - is this cyclical, pecticidical. environmental, planetary changes.

There are A few ideas, don't stick to a pattern, just let us know all you can about the problem, especially through your own situations,
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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