should I combine these hives......

Started by SteveSC, June 13, 2006, 01:36:33 PM

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I have 6 hives total - new hives this yr..  4 of the hives are doing good - growing in population and filling their brood boxes.  

I have 2 hives that are weak - lagging behind in population growth and drawing out comb for brood and honey..   These 2 hives were swarm hives this yr..  One of the swarms were larger that the other but both of the hives are struggling. I've had the 2 weak hives for 6 to 8 weeks but I'm thinking they should be doing better.  They have maybe 1 1\2 frames drawn out in each hive.  

Should I combine the two weak ones to get a better hive or should I wait a while to see if they will inprove on their own.  I just don't want to wait too long before I make a move......   I'm concerned that moths will move in on them - - I saw a moth yesterday in one of the weak hives but I did not see any larva of damage to either hive.  I examined all the frames in each.   Thanks for any advise.  



My experience is that one full langstroth box is minimum for hive. It developes without external help. Smaller ones are too slow and just make vain efforts.


I am facing a very similar decision myself, I have many strong hives and just 2 weak hives which aren't developing as quickly as I'd like.  One is a feral colony I removed from an old house, the other is a few frames I pulled from another hive which seemed to want to swarm. Finsky's comment that "one full Langstroth box is minimum for hive" sounds reasonable to me and as I inspect my colonies tonight if the two weak hives are not filling a Langstroth box then I'm combining.


Joe, I think that you have full summer there.  I you have healthy queen it should have some kind of hive now. So it is better that you bye commercial queen or two and look how good they are.


If I combine these two weak hives with the strong hives that are sitting next to each of them is there a chance that I will spread any moth larva from the weak ones to the strong ones...?

One hive in particular I saw a moth in yesterday (that moth lives no longer ).  I'm unsure if the frames in that weak hive aren't infested with unborn moth larva and I don't want to transfer the potential infestation to the good hive.  What's the best way to deal with this...?

The second weak is clean - - no signs of critters.  Combining that one won't be a problem.   I never saw a queen in either hive but I might have over looked her.   Before the combining should I kill the weak queens if I see them or will the strong hives take care of that for me...?

Steve SC

Brian D. Bray

A strong Hive can ward off parasites such as wax moth or SHB where a weak one can't.  In your case, if I were doint it, I'd buy a new queen and combine the two weak hives.  That way if there is a wax moth outbreak the stronger hives are not contaminated, the combined hive has a better chance of survival, and the loss, if there is one, is limited to the 2 hives that were weak and endangered to begin with.
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Summer has just started here and upon inspecting my two weak hives the other night I no longer consider them weak anymore.  Both hives are building up quite well and the feral queen has a very good laying pattern and has layed pretty much everywhere she could.  I'll give her some time to see how she performs and if she's not up to par in a few weeks I'll consider replacing her.  Thanks for your input.


Hi Joe!

Dandelions and apple trees  just finished it's blooming. Blueberry bushes started just to bloom.

Best hives has now 5 boxes and smallest 2 boxes.

Swimming water in lakes is about 15C.