Build Up after Many Problems

Started by drgenegarris, June 21, 2006, 02:51:44 PM

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I have posted a bit about this years problems in the bee yard so to give you some background information:

I purchased 2 packages of bees with queens.  I fed syrup.  One (H1)hive had no sign of a queen 3 weeks after installation.  The other hive(H2) had brood and supercedure cells.  I transferred the queen cells from H2 to H1 and ordered two new queens.

When I went to install a new queen in H1 I saw that the queen cells had been opened and that there were eggs in the brood area.  I then cobbled together a nuc with frames from both hives and created H3.  I installed new queens in H2 and H3.

As of my last inspection, Monday, I have eggs, brood, and stores in all hives but not very much.  What can and what should I do to help my girls thrive?

Thanks in advance


Right now they probably just need to work. Keep an eye on them but it sounds like they are off to a good start.
Computer Tech, Beekeeper, Hunter = Hi-Tech Redneck

Brian D. Bray

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