The Young Chaplin

Started by Ben Framed, November 04, 2022, 07:45:11 PM

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Ben Framed

A young Chaplin arrived for his 'very first' visit at the hospital. His main concern was to visit the ICU unit for obvious reasons. After entering, sadly he could 'clearly' see the grave condition many of the patients were in. The first patient he spoke to was hooked up to lines and tubes running to monitors and different important looking equipment 'all over the patient' it seemed.

The patient was coherent yet to weak to speak. The Young Chaplin stepped forward, leaning over the pitiful patient and quoted a Bible Verse softly in the patients ear. The patent seemed to be clearly upset! Violently shaking his head and hands, while giving indication he wanted a pen and paper.

Even before the Chaplin had time to read the note the patient EXPIRED! The well meaning young Chaplin was clearly 'shaken to his core' simply sticking the note in his shirt pocket. Later, after reflecting on what just happened, while walking down the Hallway, he reached for the note in his pocked which read: Please move! You are standing on my Oxygen line!


Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin