Mixing frames in supers

Started by Fannbee, July 15, 2006, 07:41:36 PM

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I am new to beekeeping and have assorted supers.  These were giving to me so I took them and was glad to have them.  My problem is I had to put shallow frames that had honey with some medium frames (only foundation) in a medium super box.  Is this a  no-no or am I ok.

This forum is great. I read it every day and very grateful for ya'll sharing your knowledge.   I have two hives of russian ladies and look forward to adding more next spring.  Also, I do not want ladies named Katrina visiting me this fall.


P.S.   she was no lady!
Chuck and Fran

Brian D. Bray

The bees will probably build burr comb between the shorter shallow frames and the upper bars of the frames from the box below it.  So expect that there will be burr comb to deal with.  If I were you I'd cut down the deeps and ad strips to the bottom of the shallows to make everything the same size.  This situation should give you an idea of why uniformity of equipment is smart hive management.
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