It' done Mr. Bray

Started by tom, August 10, 2006, 08:36:28 PM

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Hello all

  Well i did it i switched hive bodies and boy did i see full frames of brood i mean from top to bottom and some drone cells too. But this is the funny part i went to check on a freinds bees and i was going to put a super on one of them because they wer all over the front of the hive. So i opened it up and boy does he have a mess in there they are in a nine frame hive and they are only on six frames and the rest of the foundation has fell out of the frame and they are not even going on that side to draw them out and he has comb built all on top of the six frames filled with honey so i cut that out and they are very gentle compared to his other hives and on the other hives the bottom boards are falling apart and holes in all four corners. he works out of town and he is coming back sunday but he has a ton of work to do i asked him coud i bring the one i was going to super home until i can get them up to par and he said they will be ok but at the rate they are going they may not make it till september.


Brian D. Bray

6 Frames in a 10 frame box?  The mess you found is a result of careless beekeeping practices.  When using the oft championed practice of 8 or 9 frames in a hive it is important to have the frames drawn out while there is 10 frames in the box and then space them afterward.  Otherwise you end up like the mess you found.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!



  Mr. Bray you are so right i ran into a big mess yesterday and i now see why i stay on top of my hives so i do not end up with a mess like that. I contacted him and he said he have a whole month to work on them he has a supre on one of them and they have not even moved up into it and the entrance is the size of a winter entrance on all of his hives and it a wonder they can even breath with such a small entrance. He even has a excluder on them all but this big hive is so heavy i am looking for it to fall to the ground and the bees are so mean i got a couple of stings from them. He does not requeen and the only time he buys queens is when he is doing a split he has alot of inbreeding and they are mean as snakes but the hive i went to are so gentle and they did not even fly up to meet me thats the kind of hive i like.

P.S my big hive queen is still living and laying full frames of brood.


Brian D. Bray

Your friend is not a beekeeper he is a bee haver.  I have one down the road from me.  He started the spring with 6 hives and now has one.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Hello Mr. Bray

 I am  100%  with you on this one he say he ships his bees to florida and he has this big cruise ship that buys his honey but if you ship bees to florida why would you not want them in the best shape they can be he has alot of good equipment and they are just sitting around. He was being taken over by wax moths and i had to come to his aid to help keep them under control. I want to buy a hive from him but he will not sale so i let him be he is going to loose his bees sooner or later. I also help another guy with some bees and he has a lot of them and one of his hives is so heavy that they broke the bottom board and he never requeens and he takes his packages to other places and put them in orchards and vineyards but he can't remember where half of them are i went with him to one of his freinds house where he tends to his freinds hives because he passed awaay do you know that one of the hives was nothing but drones and they were swarming around me as if i had a queen scent on me these people don't take time to care for them and it is sad.
