Moving Hives?

Started by MarkW, August 14, 2006, 11:48:11 AM

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What is the best time of day to move a hive? I would think early morning or late evening when all of the bee’s are home and in the hive! Would that be correct? When you do move them do you have to plug the entrance? Or anything else?




I always move hives just before dark dark when most all the foragers are back in the hive.  You'll never get all the bees back at the same time - some foragers spend the night out ( partying or something ) and come back the next morning.  You'll get a high 90% of the bees right at dark.

Yes, you'll need to cover the entrance.  I use that egg crate foam cut to length and just push it in the entrance.  It forms a good tight seal.  If you don't seal the entrance you'll have some mighty upset bees on you.  My bees seem to be more agressive and protective at night than in the daylight.  If you are going to haul the bees in a truck to a new location be sure to strap the hives down in the bed of the truck.  Good luck....nothing to it..!


Brian D. Bray

I close up the entrance with door or window screen cut to the width of the entrance and then folded over several times.  This keeps the bees in and still allows them to breath and not suffocate.  Making sure the hive is fully secure is recommened.  If you have more than one box tack them together with hive staples.  
Close the entrance at sunset and move at twililght and open at day break at the new location.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Thanks Guys :!:, I only have two hives I have been thinking of moving them to a new spot for winter with less wind.


You do not mention how far you are moving them, but distance must be considered also.
There have been plenty of posts on the subject previously for you to read up on, but in essence over 2 miles or a few feet every couple of days until in the desired position, if not far away.
listen to others. You do not always know as much as you think you do.


Over all here is mine system to move.

If you move only a short distance, it is better to wait and move when snow is on ground and bees do not fly any more.  In thsi case you need not screen. You shut the entrance with screen and carry hive to another palce.

I move hives in the morning. I have stopped evening and night works.

In picture it is almost middday when I piled hive parts on carry.