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Started by BEE C, August 29, 2006, 04:59:32 PM

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yeah well, you're welcome. if there's anything else you want to be pictured about AŽ hives, tell me.
to continue THB is kind of "primitiv" keeping, right? well, i've been looking the net for the first hive with movable frames, the Kranjič (translation would be Carniolan-well, it's kinda difficult to translate correctly). well no wonder none of you know about the history of beekeeping, i found very little photos, so...i'm hoping i'll have some time next weekend and go to my menthor to photograf it.

EDIT: Painted hive fronts

In the mid 18th century, people started to decorate their hives fronts, they painted them with oil colours, freehanded or using a stencil. the most common motives were from the bible or connected to church in other way. over 600 different motives have been noted. the most common motiv is virgin mary and is painted on the oldest one which dates back to 1758. next to virgin mary is st. Florian (saint of firefighters). the unchurch related motivs are usually animals taking human roles,mocking craftsman, hunting scenes and scenes from everyday life.
this art, started dying along with Kranjiči on the ending of 19. century. it's a peculiarity of Slovenian Alp region and an indispensable part of Slovenian national culture

I hope you don't feel as if i was forcing you to know about this things, but today i thought about it like this: "some might like it, some might be even excited and change TBHs for this, genuine way of beekeeping, and of course the decorating part is important"

Brian D. Bray

I find this very facinating.  Seeing the picture with the hive casing being held in the arms I can tell why more than 2 stories are avoided.  But if the hives weren't intended to be moved I don't see where having a third or 4th story would hurt.  Using s solid board to slid in between stories as is the grill floor/ceiling should allow consolidating the hive down for wintering.  Removing the solid boards during the spring and summer would be the same as supering a Langstrath hive here in the states.

I can tell, though, that the key to unraveling the construction of the Az hive is to start with the frame and work outward.  The difference color, I assume, is to reduce drift between hive as much as possible.

Thanks, I think I'll start working on building one of the Crotian type hives here.  It's only fitting as the community I live in was founded by immigrants from Sebria & Cortia with a few greeks thrown in for good measure.  Franulovich, Dragovich, Luavera, Ljubich and Lovric are common names here in Anacortes.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


That was interesting information on the painting of hives!  I'm sure a lot of beekeepers connecting to this site share an interest in the history of hives from your area.  Thanks again. :(  :D


Don't thank me everytime, you'll get tired :lol:
since most of you were very excited about seeing beehouses i added quite a few photos to my Gallerie and re-aranged it so it's gotten an international scent 8)  i started writing descriptions, wrote only two since it's a really slow process, sorry. if any questions, ask them here or by PM

@ mr. bray
Yes, the hives aren't but are meant to be moved, most of people don't move them, but they are still light enough to be taken to pasteur, that's why most people use 2 story high ones, but basicly yes, u could build 10 story high one, the first is the brood box because in the middle there's a queen excludor if i'm not mistaking. yeah you should adept hive size to LR frame size.

Note: my guess is many of you are confused about Carniola =Slovenia, it isn't the same. it's as if you called germans Bavarians. and the full name of our bee is: Kranjska Sivka=Carniolan Grey, as in female.