No rain in site

Started by tom, August 24, 2006, 12:55:22 AM

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  I am sad they say we will not have no rain for a while and it is dry here and my girls in my big hive is gathering water like crazy and my other two are bringing in pollen like crazy my big hive is too but i do not think they are bringing in any nectar. So now i might have to buy alot of sugar and start to feed or should i see if they are bringing in pollen it may or may not be that they are gathering nectar my third hive is taking in syrup like crazy and it is being used they are taking up a lot of it so i take it that they are in need my other two are not going for it they seem to have alot of honey but if we don't get no rain soon there will be no fall flow they are not even working the golden rod.


Brian D. Bray

Remember, if you are going to feed harvest any supers of honey already on the hive.  I believe that Honey that is made from sugar syrup is considered an additive by the USDA.  I might be wrong, but it is still best to keep the honey as pure as possible.  If you're only concern is saving the hives due to dearth then removal of other honey is probably not an issue.
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 Once again Mr. Bray you have come to my aid thank you i did a check on all three hives. My third hive wants feeding only in the evening and if i do not give them feed they buzz me until i do then they don't bother me anymore. But the third hive is storing the syrup in the two frames close to the wall of the hive and the edges around the brood i see they are mixing the syrup in with the pollen and the queen is laying great. The second hive has very little honey capped along the edges of one frame and my qqueen has stopped laying and thats all the food they got so i am going to feed them i am only interested in getting them ready for winter. They are calling for some rain next week but until we get rain i will do what i have to to keep my babies going. My first hive has plenty in the second chamber and they are gathering lots of water but they have plenty of food and they have gotten very mean i got stung in the head.



tom-i live somewhat close to you and we too have not had any rain in a while. i dont get my hopes up over weather forecasts more than a couple of days out. at least i wont have to cut the grass for a while.

Brian D. Bray

The longer the dearth the crankier the bees.  If you feed them a little you might find they lose a bit of their agressiveness.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!



  Well today i came home and fixed a couple of things of food for my girls and the next thing i know all three hives went for it it was a free for all but no robbing and no fighting but hive three took the prize for getting all they could so now i have to get a bigger feeder to feed all of my hives. But it was fun to see my girls happy that they have someone who loves them like i do my wife even told me to feed them as much as i can until the rains come which i hope is not long i see alot of plants wanting to bloom.
