Found 'em!!

Started by wayne, September 03, 2006, 05:51:10 PM

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A couple months ago I answered a call on a small swarm. The swarm was about the size of cantalope or musk melon. None of the beeks I work with was home so I put them in a deep box with frames of foundation, and sat them in the back yard. Had bees in the yard for the first time in years.
 I placed as feeder outside the front and put a queen keeper on the entry. After a couple weeks they looked busy and happy so I took off the guard.
 Big mistake.
 A day later and the box was empty. Not even burr comb, just a couple stragglers and some dirt.
 But I still had bees around the flower garden.
 Yesterday I was watching some on a humingbird feeder, and took notice of their flight patterns. Up and toward a tree in the neighbors yard.
 Binoculars proved the theory. They moved into a hollow branch about 20 feet up in this old maple.
 At least they stayed close by.

I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.

Brian D. Bray

Must have been a feral swarm who wanted an abode that reminded them more of home.
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yeh, that is good you found them, if your not going to remeove them put out a few swarm traps and catch the swarms the hive through's out the next few years..... you could always requeen the swarms if you want to....

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