New Viruses

Started by TwT, October 27, 2006, 12:01:54 PM

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New Viruses

The George Bush Virus - Causes your computer to keep looking for
viruses of mass destruction.

The John Kerry Virus - Stores data on both sides of the disk and causes
little purple hearts to appear on screen.

The Clinton Virus - Gives you a permanent Hard Drive ; with NO memory

The Al Gore Virus - Causes your computer to keep counting and

The Bob Dole Virus - Makes a new hard drive out of an old floppy

The Lewinsky Virus - Sucks all the memory out of your computer, then
e-mails everyone about what it did

The Arnold Schwarzenegger Virus - Terminates some files, leaves, but
will be back

The Mike Tyson Virus - Quits after two bytes

The Ellen Degeneres Virus - Disks can no longer be inserted

The Prozac Virus - Totally screws up your RAM, but your processor
doesn't care

The Michael Jackson Virus - Only attacks minor files

Last but not least

The Lorena Bobbitt Virus Reformats your hard drive into a 3.5 inch
floppy...then discards it through windows..

Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic

Brian D. Bray

How abot the Bee Virus:  Jams mother board with honey.

The Chicken Virus: little red blotches (poxes) replaces screen saver.

The Pigeon Virus:  Sets on hard drive and splatters email.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


how about the mother virus- stops computer from doing anyting what so ever
MMMMMMMMM!!!!!! Doughnuts.- Homer Simpson


I am nobody.  Nobody is perfect.  Therefore, I am perfect.