
Started by Billy The Beekeeper, February 28, 2007, 10:34:57 AM

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Billy The Beekeeper

I live in Sunman Indiana i got 2 bee hives both were italians but one of the hives died  :'( over winter so i was wonderin if Russians r actually as good as they say they r cause i was thinkin about gettin Russians this time  :D and since the last hive died should i take out all the wax or just get out the dead bees in side wax and clean hive and reuse the wax? thx ill appreciate all advice and comments given like i said im a newer beekeeper ive only been doin for about 2 yrs now and learned what i know in the field so i need to hit the books some to well got too get back to school thx again
Experienced BeeKeeper :D


first you have to determin the cause, the cause of your hives dying out! only then should you consider using what's left of the hive: honey comb, comb...
since you're a newbie this might be difficult, and since i'm a newbie aswell, it will be hard for me do describe different symptoms from which you should judge the cause, if there are any experienced keepers around, try to get in touch, ASAP.
well, if they died out of starvation or cold, it's ok to use the combs, if it's disease.....
anyway, let's just wait, what more experienced ones have to say.

Billy The Beekeeper

yea it think they died of starvation but that was just my interpretation of it cause there as now honey left where they died at it all seemed to be toward the top which i blame myself for this disaster cause i should have put the honey down more but its one of those mistakes u have learn by ur mistake yea there is a coupla experienced guys around me ill give them a call and thx for the advice Mici :D
Experienced BeeKeeper :D

Michael Bush

They are not what they are cracked up to be, but they are not BAD bees.  Some are more defensive, but not psycho.  I wish you had a category for "they are ok".  :)
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