Really bad news.

Started by Anonymous, June 04, 2004, 10:46:26 AM

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Finally found time to do a hive inspection and had a more experianced bee keeper and club member along.
 Light colored hive, Queen les sand no sign one has even bee there. capped cells has chocolate colored runny stuff in them but don't stink. Might be American fowl brood. May have bomb fire weine roast soon.

Dark hive, brood and eggs present although no queen seen, Super sidure queen cell present at the top of one frame. Cells has odd cap have white thich runny milky looking stuff in them.

Over all bee yard is too shady had to move the dark hive to a sunnier location. Left the light one til a postive ID can be made on the runny cell content. Still queen less never the less.

Bees in the tree have moved to a new tree higher off the ground, Drat I was ging to box them soon.

Finally good new, Fellow club member is giving me a swarm he captured. I have foundation it install in frames before the transfer into brand new equipment.

Cross your fingers and toes it isn't fowl brood, please.

:D Al



Doesn't sound like AFB.

Do you see any sunken caps on dead brood?  Any dried up scale like brood?  If you stir the contents of a cell with a match, is it stringy when you pull the match out?

These are all signs of FB
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Beth Kirkley

Al, that all sounds awful. I'm so sorry. Makes my stomach sick to think about the possible loss. I sure hope it doesn't turn out too bad. You have tried so hard to get your bee yard going to have all this happen.

Wish you well with it,


I hope everything works out okay in your hives, AFB would be real PITY.  If you could see me now you would see that my fingers are crossed---actually my hands are so swollen (bare handed swarm collection yesterday) I can't cross my fingers!    
Here is one of my favorite sites when I really want to put myself into full blown worry mode.  MAAREC  Scroll down to the Powerpoint and slides section for pictures of your favorite diseases.

Agility Mom

Al- You deserve a better break than you have gotten. Those bees haven't learned to appreciate what they have with you.  I strongly hope that you don't have AFB. So glad that the fellow beekeeper can help you out.



:) First off thank you every one for the incouragement, kind thoughts & well wishes.

Moved both hives to concrete blocks just off to the side of where thay had been on the stand. removed the stand to a sunnier loaction doing what needed to be done to make it stable. Waited till late evening then closed up the dark hive completely and moved it the 40 yards or so to the new bee yard. Left it close all day the 4th, only removed the bottom board screen to give them more ventlation. the super seadure cell was left intact.

Finished installing foundation in new frames, built an intercover and outer cover. Called the club member about the swarm he had recovered, he brought it about 8:00 pm last night. so they are now in the new bee yard too.
Removed the screens closing the dark hive and placed grass in the entrance so they can fly today.

:cry:  Now the bad part::: the light colored hive queen less and suspect of having AFB is going to be destroyed. Nobody can say for sure that it is AFB because all the simtums are not present. Yes there is brown puss like stuff in the cells, but it don't stink, is runny rather than gooie, cell caps are normal in apperance except a ring like (as in tree growth rings) capping.
Rather than take a chance though we feel it is best to give them a soap and water ending.

:D Al


I hope I don't step on any toes here, but I think I would run this problem past the folks on the beesource forum before destroying the equipment.  There are more than 1,000 members on that forum and maybe one of them has dealt with this same situation.  Make sure the equipment really has to be destroyed before going to all that trouble and expense.


:( Been to bee sourse , do a search be for asking a question because what you are about to ask has been asked before :evil: . That group leaves a bad taste on my tongue, to the point I have just began to let people know I keep bees.
:) I think there are a great bunch of knolegeable people right here :wink: , I also think if they don't know the answer a bunch of them will start looking for it rather than tell me to do a search :P .
This is the bee forum for me and I am not going to stray.
:D Al