Some problems with plasticell

Started by cbarton, March 22, 2007, 10:37:07 PM

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I started a hive last spring with RiteCell foundation.  For the first few weeks the bees drew comb steadily in the first deep box, I added a second deep they drew virtually no comb before they stopped.  My mentor gave me a deep with capped brood which helped me get through the winter.  However the box he gave me is set up with wax foundation.  The bees didn't draw any more comb until late fall when I fed them a thicker (2:1) syrup. They drew some additional comb on a couple of frames of plasticell foundation and filled it with syrup.  The bees overwintered well, the queen is pretty active and there is lots of capped brood. The bees are working the wax frames, white waxing the capped honey, but by and large are still leaving the plasticell foundation alone.  I still have about 4 frames or so without any comb drawn. I've moved these frames towards the center of each box, but am still worried about the bees ignoring them.

I'm also going to need to draw comb on my supers and wonder if anyone has any suggestions about getting bees to accept plasticell foundation.
Thanks in advance
cb in va
Craig B


The Bees are trying to tell you something.Listen to what they are telling you.Get some wax foundation or even better use some starter strips or foundationless frames
Bees were happy a millon years ago no plastic no chemicals
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon