Ear Wigs in empty hive

Started by Sean Kelly, April 12, 2007, 09:19:33 AM

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Sean Kelly

My hive is still empty (bees will be here Sunday and I'm picking them up on Monday) but I put my hive outside anyway to let it "air out".  Get the human smells out.  A bunch of you said it'll be okay do to that before the girls arive.  I went out to the yard to show my 10 year old sister what a bee hive looks like and when I popped the cover I found 2 ear wigs.  Is this a bad sign?  Should I put my hive a little higher off the ground?  Right now it's just sitting on top of 2 cinder blocks (was going to do the nepenthes hive stand but ran out of money again).  Thoughts?  Comments?

"My son,  eat  thou honey,  because it is good;  and the honeycomb,  which is sweet  to thy taste"          - Proverbs 24:13


Only 2?  :-P

Don't worry about it. They will not hurt anything.  They are just looking for shelter.  Same with cockroaches.   You'll spend all your time trying to keep "other" bugs out.  Other than SHB (and maybe carpenter ants),  I would worry about other bugs.  The bees are pretty good at keeping things under control.
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