Southwest Virginia

Started by bozbee, April 25, 2007, 10:30:23 AM

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Sorry, this may be the inappropraite forum to post this on. If so, I can understand if you delete it Admin. Looking for folks here that live in Va., primarily in the southwest section next to KY border. I find it good to not only to get to know the posters, but to maybe get to know the folks behind the screen as well. Looking to maybe start up a beekeepers club of some sort to have meetings and share info. Talking with the Cooperative extension agent for our county. Don't worry, no underlying agenda here, just would like to know


Try ventrilo if you want to get to know some behind the screen guys.There is a forum for it too!


i live in swva but not nearly as south or west as you. i'm in floyd county. the NRV area.