Cold Weather

Started by Blacksheep, February 09, 2016, 10:55:23 AM

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It is really cold here in Southern Tennessee and has been snowing for 2 hours.Brrrr I am ready for spring!I attended our BEE Club Meeting last night and we are preparing to start raising our own Queens.Shooting for a goal of 100 queens at a pop!
I sure hope we can be able to get this program going.We do have a somewhat atvantage as a guy who was a commercial queen raiser is running the program.I am a tag along work bee!Not  a Drone as I do work!!
Gee!Really snowing hard now!I hope my bees are safe!!


We're in for a week of spring like temps - 65*F tomorrow. Overnight lows will still be below freezing.
February often brings us a "false spring" that misleads some of the locals to start feeding sooner than might be advisable.
The bees usually fix my mistakes


Good luck. That is a great opportunity you have there. Learn everything you can from him.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin