starter strips=drone comb?!?!?!

Started by Mici, April 10, 2007, 10:30:31 AM

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Michael Bush

There are two mechanisms at work here.  One is the desire for a certain threshold of drone comb.  Even if the drone comb is full of honey.  So if you move the drone comb to the outside edges of the brood box it will probably get filled with honey and still help them satisfy their need for drone comb.

The other mechanism is the desire for a certain threshold of drones in the hive.  They will use every nook and cranny to raise drones until this threshold is met.  For this threshold drones drifting from other hives will also help meet this.  This is one of the breeding advantages of AHB.  Their threshold for drones is higher so those drift to EHB hives and supress them rearing EHB drones.
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what i mean to say is that, the need for drones was so big they made too much drone comb, i ckecked today, only 1/3 of all drone comb is filled with drone brood, the rest is either empty or filled with honey.