Hived my frist swarm

Started by beeginner, April 30, 2007, 01:12:18 AM

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Hey  ever one what up?  I had a crazy day today my mom and my dad and I went to a friends house today and on the way back we had to stop right down the road from me to another friends house that has only 1 hive. She is the one im helping to get 2 more hives started but any ways we was out side talking and she said carson come and look at my hive im like oh ok so we all are walking down the hill and Im like hold up your hive swarmd. The swarm was only about a foot of the ground in a lil tree and im like watch this and I walkd right up to them and put my hand all over them and thay fine so the lady came down and did the same thing im like now you have one more hive. I told her ill be right back and I went home and got a hive with new wax and ever thing and went back. I had the # of the state inspecter the one that is helping me with ever thing and of corse I cant get a hold of him so im like oh why not ill just do it. Ive read all kinds of stuff of the net and books so I cant mess up to bad so I got my vail on and I cut all the limbs away from it and I got the hive and took out hafe the frames and then I cut the main limb thay was on when i was holding it. The hole time she is takeing photos lol but any ways I got them over the hive and I  knockd all the bees off in the hive and put the top on. Then the guy calls and I told him what I did and he said you did grate for never doing any bee work befor in your life. But he said go to the old hive and look at them and take a good frame of brood and a lil honey and put in the new one. So I did and thay was really cool not ever buging me. I only got stung 1 time in thats when I was looking at the old hive. But it dont help when I had short sleves on lol and long bee gloves. But thats what I did today just crazy today lol :). The swarm was about 2 feet long and about 1 foot wide it was a big swarm but it came from a 2 storey hive. In about 2 days im gonna go back over there and move the hive where the other one is in after thay get the comb made out ill put on a medium super that way thay can have a lil room and wont cluster outside the hive. But thats my deal I just thout ever one woud like to hear this. Thanks all :) ;)



Sounds like you handled it all pretty well. Congradulations.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Well thank you. I did the best that I can. I went over today just to see if thay was still there and there is a lot of bees flying in and out and bringing in a lot of pollen.


That's great! Were you able to spot the queen?


Nope the swarm was sooo big there was just no way at all but I know shes in there thats for srue lol. When I get the photos ill put them on hear.


Hey ever one today my dad and I went to move the hive and put a diff top on it. Once we got it to the spot I opend the hive and pulld out the frame I put in from the old hive and I found the queen right off im like dad come hear. He did not have a vail on but he did it any ways. But I know she is in there now.