Got great news today

Started by ZuniBee, April 24, 2007, 07:46:32 PM

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A few days before I got my bees I was asked if I would move to Sacramento, CA and take a new position with my company. I told them I would go even though I did not want to move right after setting up my first 4 hives. We have been waiting to find out and today I finally got news that someone else is taking the position.  :-D  While I would love to live in CA it would have only been a two year period and then I would have to move back...not to mention the fact that I would lose my hives.

So, I can keep my hives....and now, I can get more!

OK, here are some questions I need help with -

Are there still places to get packages? Or Nucs?

Where do you get wood to make hives? Home Depot and Lowes seem very expensive.

What kind of wood should I look for to make the boxes?


I have nucs and bees coming. See the posts on the meet new member category. :)
