I have ordered my first bees!

Started by The Dregs, April 28, 2007, 05:34:32 PM

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The Dregs

 I just decided to get inot this hobby recently. I have wanted to try beekeeping for years, but I have always rented. Now I own a nice (to me anyway!) house in the 'burbs with a wooded lot and a little stream. I can successfully keep bees here, at least I think I can. To my dismay, it has been extremely hard to locate someone willing to sell me my initial setup. Everyone is out of bees. I finally tracked down a seller right in my neighborhood.

Here is what I am getting: a full size painted cedar hive. He is going to take the next week or so to establish a colony in it for me. For this I will pay 250 bucks. Is this a good idea/deal? I also plan to get a smoker, veil, and hive tool. Are there any other essentials I should purchase immediately? I am currently absorbing as much info as I can..but I have never acxtually seen a hive with my own eyes.


QuoteHere is what I am getting: a full size painted cedar hive. He is going to take the next week or so to establish a colony in it for me. For this I will pay 250 bucks. Is this a good idea/deal?
I am not sure on the price of all cedar woodenware, I believe it is more expensive
I know prices vary all over the country,
Prices are aprox. w/ shipping
Package of bees $70
2 hive bodies painted  $40
20 frames w/foundation $40
2 shallows painted $30
20 frames w/foundation $40
bottom board $20
inner cover $10
outer cover (telescoping) $20
If it is all new or fairly new equipment and your getting everything listed above, not a bad deal.
"To bee or not to bee"

The Dregs

Good. I thought it did sound like a good deal, but since all my research so far has been on nucs and packages, I wasn't sure. Seemed like a genuinely nice fellow.

  My wife is all excited about the prospect of honey. I can't believe it. I figured we would have to wage war over this one. It was easier than the tarantula.


It does sound like a good but, i would ask about the "extra's" like hive beetles and mites and so forth. I bought all new my freind bought used, he does not have any bees that made it through the winter. i got both of mine through. he had hive beettles and i didn't so those "extra's" do make a big difference. also check for AFB or EHB spores, the other usual problem with used equipment.
I truly wish you the best and good luck, this hobby is great and tastie as well !!!


At this point in the year any price is a good deal....next season you will know what you want and beable to get in early and it may not cost you so much. Being that he is establishing a colony in it you are buying a nuc that someone else is putting in the hive for you. The basics you mentioned are fairly cheap from a bee supply house like Dadant, so I would buy them new. You will need to get some more boxes and frames before this season is up so you may want to get that on the same order. Screened Bottom Boards are also recommended. Welcome to beekeeping....hope you like it.   
Sugarbush Bees

The Dregs

I called the fellow again today and got more info. It is a brand new hive body with a deep super, medium honey super, base, entrance reducer, and queen excluder if I want it. Both supers have frames. He gave me a choice of NWC, Russions, or Italians. I chose NWC because he advised me that these were the most gentle bees he had. He is painting the hives this week, I may have a hive as soon as Sunday! I asked him how many bees would be included, he said he wasn't sure, but I would get a fully functioning Hive's worth, morte than I would get with a package.

I am pretty stoked.


 ;)as extra equiptment get a 5 frame nuc box ( to catch swarms or hive small splits) and loads of other tasks.next as you can afford it complete hive,bottom,super,top. once you get the first it won't be long before you want more!

The Dregs

I alread do. I think my second hive will most likely be an indoor observation hive, if I can get away with it. Thanks for the advice!

Another question. Are smokers absolutely nescessary? I have seen some posts about sugar syrup spray around here, but it's a bit hard to search for.