Bees found my waiting hive

Started by DayValleyDahlias, April 27, 2007, 05:29:00 PM

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The hive I have in waiting has been discovered by a few HB's...there is a frame in it that containes some honey and drawn out comb...

Should I place the hive in the cellar?  Could these bees bring with them a swarm to the hive?  Are the just after the honey?

What to do?


The bees are probably just robbing out the honey.I have had bees swarm into a abandoned hive before.
kirko :-D
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


Hmm well it would be cool if a swarm came to the hive...I have had bees swarm on my property in the past ( 10 years ago ), had a neighbor Beek come collect them, he was really happy, as they were very accessable...

So I shouldn't worry??


It's like fishing. You must be paitent. A few bees isn't much. It's when thousands of them start flying around it like code enforcement officers. Because if you hive isn't up to snuff they give you citations by stinging you. (okay that isn't true, but sometimes it seems like it).

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


OOOh I got a message from the apiary selling me a nuc...She said to place the hive in the house ( after shaking the bees out ) which I did...laundry room smells nice!