Robbing from split hive

Started by Shizzell, April 30, 2007, 01:49:04 PM

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I was thinking, is it possible that once you split a hive, that one of the hives will rob from the other?
I bet its possible, but would they do it?



I think it is possible, once they figure that they can get in they will try. scouts will probe the defences then call for back up


if there's a flow goind on it's less likely, but i think you're talking about "sister" hives robbing each much likely as any other hive, only that splits are more vunreable to being robbed. usualy when a hive is being robbed it's robbed by all the other hives.

robbing is usually caused by the beek and not the bees, so if you do "by the book" there's a smaller chance of getting robbed out bees