Lye for cleaning frames ?

Started by pvtpilot, February 15, 2007, 10:15:55 PM

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 I have numerous (200 +/-) used frames that were given to me that need
cleaning.  Can anyone describe the hot water/lye cleaning method in detail ?
I have an outdoor fire pit, an old 50gal metal drum, neoprene gloves, face
mask, apron, etc.    How much lye in how much water is effective? How long
should the frames soak for?  How much scrubbing is required ?  Is a clean
water rinse advised ?  What is a good source for the lye? 
   I'm trying to decide if it's going to be worth the effort.

Please accept in advance my gratitude for any and all advice.

From Rich in New Durham, NH


Make 3% lye solution

Heat water near boiling point. If lyesolution boils, fumes go into lungs.

Tie frames into bunches  10-20 pieces or something. Turn punch if water is not enough.

The heat takes of the wax and lye turns wax to soap. Wax become white stuff. Take that stuff from surface every now and then with big mesh so frames will not get so much rubbish.

When frames are clean, spray them with garden hoast.

Load frames to dry. Load them evenly and put press on the top.
If they are not under press and they ry up, they twist.

You may pour solutuion into soil and it makes no harm.


When frames are dryed, they will be a bit loosen. Put a little clue with stick into joint.
Make box where you have in both front inner wall a guide which keep frames in straight agle when clue dryes up.


i think fire is more practical!
just burn the frames, i think it's just as effective. let alone, if you soak them too long, they might fall appart.


Quote from: Mici on February 16, 2007, 11:44:38 AM
i think fire is more practical!

If I have 10 frames, it is paractical but 200 is a big job. They go into lyewater in 10 frame bucsh.
It takes perhap couple of minutes per punch.

Mici, hade you done that lye job?


no finsky, i haven't used any lye so far. no one told me when i bought the equipment, only after the bees were already in the hives. at least 3 keepers jsut recommendet to "burn" the equipment, so i did.
well, i'm sorry if i was to prejudical but dunking the equipment sounds more work to me than just burning, looks like i'm wrong.
i burned....150 frames, it took me...very little time


I have burned too frames tens of years. I have done that lye boiling only once and I cleaned 100 frames. Boiling is really good and next spring I will boil it again. Combs I will melt with steam machine.


"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


OK Guys,   I'll give the hot lye method a try...  If nothing else I'll have an interesting campfire experience.
  Will keep you posted.  Thanks for the feedback...!

Rich in NH


Lye also will probably kill anything living on the frames. I don't think there's a virus, fungus or bacterial spore that could survive a hot lye bath.

Keep us posted.

One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.


Burn, as in, burn to ashes? Or burn, as in, run a blowtorch flame over them? I asked the question in a new topic, but it seems like keeping the wax isn't possible with any sterilization technique. Fair enough.
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Michael Bush

>I just scrape them...

I don't even scrape them...
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