Finally got my bees

Started by wtiger, May 15, 2007, 04:12:02 PM

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Installed my 2 packages today with no major difficulty using the, remove side screen and dump, method.  Only got 2 stingers in my gloves, but that's because the queen cage came off it's box hanger and went into the hive body under a pile of bees and I had to fish it out.  If these bees are this docile all of the time, I could definately see working with nothing, but a veil.  They were definitely geared up ready to draw comb.  They did their best to try and start drawing comb in both boxes and the bottoms were littered with wax scales.


Hives are like people. Some days they are nice, others they are not. You never know which one it will be. They dont always let you know in time either.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


Just wait till your hive starts to accumulate honey...

Not to scare you  :-D



Glad the side screen method worked okay - I'm surprised they didn't fasten the queen cage better, most are held with a thin metal strap stapled to the main cage. Wondering if you smoked them? Of course, losing the queen into the hive does call for going in to the elbows almost - wow! Very good job.

Since we still have members installing packages (sure hope by the end of the month EVERYONE has their bees - seems NUTS going into June and not having bees in your yard yet) from here in New Jersey and North, it really cuts down your season a lot, especially if you have a warm Spring WHICH in hind-sight it wasn't too bad - all my early pollen trees bloomed before my bees came, but ROUND TWO of pollen is just around the corner :)

REMEMBER anyone installing this way make sure you pull all the staples which hold the screen slats in place - at the least make sure they clear the screen if you only get the staples out of the way so the screen clears on the first try. I found my bees from Hardeman really had a staple-gun crazed packager - so be careful and pay attention to what you have and take your time - you'll be fine :)
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I was surprised also.  It was secured to a metal strap with a staple, but for some reason it didn't hold and yes I did smoke them a little.


Opened up the hives for a minute today to release the queen.  Both hives were very docile and didn't seem to take exception to me.  I only wore a veil this time and smoked them a little.  Not a single sting.  Looks like both the hive with starter stripes and the hive with pierco frames are both busy drawing comb, greedily eating their sugar syrup and bringing in lots of pollen and probably nectar, at least I'm assuming that's what the bees with no pollen on their legs are doing.  I have seen them working clover a little bit.  The hive with started strips seems to be drawing their comb in the correct direction.  So far so good.  Now to wait a couple weeks and check up on their progress.  It's interesting just sitting infront of the hives and observing them do their thing.  Although my cat had me worried for a couple minutes.  She decided it's be fun to jump up on the stand and carefully inspect all the bees comings and goings.  I'm surprised she didn't get stung.


Received my two packages of Italians today, installed mostly successfully. There was no strap attached to the queen box, just a metal disk (about the size of a half dollar) stapled over the end with the candy. On the first one, I removed the disk and tried to stick the box firmly between two frames, but the box quickly dropped into the pile of bees on the floor of the hive. I don't see any way to attach it, and I can't just set it on top horizontally, because of the top feeder (filled). Should I just wait the few days and retrieve it then? Presumably, I could then lift the box off the bottom board and just pick up the queen box.

Learning from the issue with the first one, on the second, I twisted the disk so that it came free of one staple, but left the other intact. Then I could bend back the disk on itself to make the candy accessible and also provide a tab to hang on the top of the frames.

When I take out the queen boxes in three days or so, should I inspect the frames as well? or just get in and out as quickly as possible?

Tonight will also be my first beekeeper's meeting, so quite a bee-filled day for me!
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


There should be an area under the center of the top feeder  that is open and you could put the queen cage
screen down over a gap in the frames so the bees can feed her while removing the candy.The bees should  be able to access the screen part of the cage.