How many bees to put in new observation hive

Started by buzzbee, March 29, 2007, 07:55:20 PM

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We have a new observation hive with three deep and 1 medium frame.It has a spot for a jar feeder.
How many bees along with the queen should we put in the observation hive. I have a couple frames of honey from bees that didn't move up in their hive over the winter. Should I put one of those in and feed syrup to start them,or just feed them?Also the tube going outside is a 1 1/4 inch pvc,should I reduce the entrance outside a little bit with duct tape until they get established?

URL to observation hive photo:


Both of my observation hives were started in the spring (May) with one complete frame of mixed brood with the attached bees.  After the queens were introduced and accepted, I fed HFCS until they were well established (about one month).  I also have 1.25 inch opening.  Since that initial set-up, I have had to remove honey several times from each hive, as well as frames of brood several times.  I love my observation hives.


I had to  do a split from my observation hive because it was really getting crowded.I watched the frame where the queen laid eggs where some of the brood had emerged and transferred that frame with brood in all stages along with one  other frames of brood and bees,two overloaded  deep frames ,into a nuc box with two frames of honey.Hopefully they will raise their own queen and get a new colony established.
The way things are going in the observation hive,I will be able to pull a couple more frames of brood and bees to add the the nuc box in a couple weeks to give it a boost!

The two deep frames in the center are pretty much drawn out already and the queen has been laying in them.

Brian D. Bray


I love that observation hive.  did you make it yourself or buy it?  If you bought it could you PM me the suppliers name?

Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


I would also like to know the supplier, if you purchased it.

"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


although i'm amazed by your observation hive...what on earth is that army green dish-like thing in the background of the first picture??!?! :shock:


The dish is actually gray.It is for satellite television.
They call it dish-network here.The dish of old was about 8 feet across!


I like how the table is made of super boxes.


HA, and we got to see the inside of the bee-shack :)

some biiig dish! do you get mars on it? :-D