Queen right finisher hive

Started by bernie, June 07, 2007, 03:04:50 PM

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I have used Queen-less hives as finisher hives with good success.  I am about the use a queen-right hive as a finisher.  I have read that the placement of frames in the top of my two hive bodies is critical.  Any advise?  Comparisons to queen-less finishers?  Thanks.


Make sure your queen can't get to the cells and put as much open brood as you can around your queen cells to get the highest concentration of nurse bees around them.

I usually quarantine the queen to the bottom deep with an excluder and plenty of room to lay.  But another deep on top of the excluder with capped brood and honey, and a 3rd bee on top with the queen cups in the middle surrounded by open brood.
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