Homeless Queens?

Started by newbeeinlove, June 07, 2007, 05:17:47 PM

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This is quite odd.

So, there were a few swarm cells that I found a few weeks ago that were on the bottom of a frame. I am a newbeekeeper and decided that I should leave them as they were already capped and I'm really just interested in how the hive works.

It seems as though the queens hatched, and I am pretty sure there were two or three queens walking around near the hive. There are bees buzzing about a bit more that usual, but they do not seem like they are in swarm mode. The queens are not fighting each other. Should I capture the queens and give them to local beekeepers I know?

What might be going on? Can I open the hive and look around or would this be a bad time?
Any information or help would be very appreciated!


from your description you are either a very lucky LUCKY son of a gun, or you just spotted drones.

if you are indeed very lucky, i don't actually know what you should do, but if they haven't swarmed they superceded, still if it's true what you say-multiple queens, you could make 3 hives out of one, if you had the means neccesary to do this, but since you're a newbee i doubt you have enough boxes and built comb.


You could always just sell them for 10 bucks a pop to local beekeepers. Usually beekeepers always are in need of queens. Well, at least I know I am.




you say they hatched looking at the empty cells is the very tip of the cell open? If so it has indeed hatched. If there is abig hole in the side of the cell then the first queen out has killed it .very interesting that a mated queen wont kill queen cell. but virgin queen will.Now may be we see that you are back to one queen.check for eggs to see if your queen is the origanal mother.or if there is a laps in laying while  new virgin mates and seatels down to busines. these things are some of what could be going on in there :)hope this helps 8-) RDY-B