Bee hunting box

Started by BigRog, July 28, 2004, 03:42:17 PM

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I thought this was interesting
and could prob be made easily
I'm certain Robo will be posting plans in a week! lol
The book mentioned is avaiiible on Amazon for 4 bucks
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


i thought the intent of the TRADING POST was for members to list THEIR OWN old equipment or what have you for sale or trade. NOT TO ANNOUNCE ITEMS FOR SALE ON EBAY. everyone knows ebay is out there if they are looking for something specific.  the trading post is NOT the place to plug items on ebay. AGAIN I SAY, you do a disservice to members that may have ALREADY bid on an item. if it is your item that you are trying to advertise that TOO IS A MISUSE OF THIS FORUM WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO BE NON-COMMERCIAL.


I actually put it there as a reference and post it because I tought that some of the members might find it interesting. I resent your implication. It is not my item for sale nor do I know who's it is. It was a interesting item and listed a book that I know several members here would find interesting. Play nice and find out whats going on before you rant here.
As they said in Stripes "Lighten up Francis"
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


I do agree that this post is inappropriate for the trading forum.  However, I don't agree with the part of being a disservice to the members.  I don't have the time to surf eBay for beekeeping stuff, mainly because most of it ends up going for more than I think it is worth.  But I do find some of the posts Rog makes interesting.

You can also take the flip side of the argument that Rog is doing a service to the members.  Case in point,  yesterday's post on the person selling out in Washington.  Wouldn't it have been great if some newbee here was able to pick up all that equipment for $250.

Once John is back with us in full force,  I will talk with him about setting up a "Interesting Ebay Items" forum for beekeeping items.  That way Rog will have an appropriate place to post,  and those that aren't interested don't have to look at them.

The purpose of these forums is to share information, and that is what Rog is trying to do.  As long as it is beekeeping related,  I don't think there is an issue.

Just my 2 cents....
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Thanks Robo
But I figured you'd have the plans up by now.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


As an eBay seller myself, I would welcome the advertisement of my items by anyone and everyone possible as that would potentially drive up the price of my items, but I have to agree with Mark.  This is a disservice to any potential bidder on that item, the more secluded the auction the better chance the bidder has of obtaining an item at a bargain price.


And I guess that it would be a service to any member here who might like to bid on it and might not have seen it otherwise. There is good in every evil and evil in every good. Again I posted this mostly as information to the members and guests here. I am more concerned about them then I am with buyers or sellers who I do not know. I imagine the ethics of this could be disscussed ad nauseam. Did any of my critics notice that I put a link to buying the book outside of the auction? Or that I thought that someone might draw up plans FOR THE PEOPLE WHO COME HERE?
This is my last post in this thread. Anyone who doesn't understand after this post is just not going to get it.

Oh, one more point.
I'll problably do this again.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


I sort of agree with you Rog.  I certainly appreciated it brought to my attention.  Its a really cool box.  I have absolutely no intention of bidding on it, although Id like to build one someday, and try to seek out feral colonies.  I am a little bit confused on why people think this site is a competitive bidding tool directly linked to Ebay, I always thought it was for us non-competitive hobbiests to share ideas and thoughts, but maybe someday Ill figure that out too....maybe the same day I build a beebox. :?


Quote from: BigRogThanks Robo
But I figured you'd have the plans up by now.

Anyone that is interested in bee lining and building a box I would suggest getting a hold of a copy of Keeping Bees by John Vivian.  It has excellent illustrations of making a bee lining box out of a cigar box.  

I would highly recommend this book as it has lots of good information and is well worth the $10.  Even if you don't want to buy it, it is worth the trip to the library to borrow.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


I understood your intention Rog and I greatly appreciated the link, otherwise I would have missed seeing that auction.  I do think that it is a good idea to bring it to the attention of the members here as we have a very large group of members that would have otherwise missed the auction as well.  Purely out of principal I personally would choose not to bid on that item though, only to be fair to someone else that might have their eye on it.  

I would however like to find plans to make my own, as I have never seen one and have no idea as to the dimensions.  I'm very intrigued by the idea of finding feral colonies with one of the boxes.


OK I lied
Here's another post here
Thanks for understanding
Maybe spend 4 bucks on that book.
I'm thinking that being a book on bee hunting you just might find some kind of plans for it.
Maybe the plans the guy who made this box used.

Hey This guy is selling this as a antique
That has nothing to do with what it would be worth to a beekeeper.
Notice the $49 starting price
See how many bids.

I did send a question to the seller
about rough outside dimensions
Oh well guess I'm unethical.
But only for you guys
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


Quote from: PhoenixI'm very intrigued by the idea of finding feral colonies with one of the boxes.

Here is a good article on bee lining.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Thanks for the link Rob...
 There where about 15 very important things I was overlooking, so with some luck, Ill be out in the woods Sunday!!!!!---Jeremy


Yes Robo, that's where I got the idea.  I just wish I had dimensions or suggestions as to making the proper beelining box.


Go to your library and borrow Keeping Beesby John Vivian or even go to Borders or Barnes & Nobles and look at it.  There are detailed illustrations on how to make one out of a cardboard cigar box.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Here's a little bit of information about Bee Lining competitions.


John Vanian says in his book to use a old cigar box to make a bee lining box. Robo has suggested you borrow the book from a libary and you might even find a copy there.
But if you don't here is the average size of the cigar box.
9 inches long 6 inches wide and 2 inches deep.
Split the box in half long wise with a slot for a sliding door and a partition.
A rather simple design most people can make.

Also in John Vanian's book is a way to make your own foundation and other useful things. It is not a waste of money book.

Since this forum was started for the most part to share information on bee keeping and giving unline help, this post does belong here and it is just to bad if the idems prices is driven up by intrested members from this site bidding on the same Idem. That is the nature of auctions, and YOU need to know your bidding limit going into it.
I urge members to post auction idems which may be useful to other bee keepers here.
Keep in mind that the price a member recives may be inhanced from the information being posted here too.

:D Al


I need to spend more time in this forum - lol. I read MARK'S responce to BigRog's post and frankly I thought it a bit disturbing. Sure, Trading Post is for members to offer up or ask for stuff they are looking for and yep, maybe the Ebay item could have been placed somewhere else in the forum, but MARK, take a chill pill dude!

I've learned one thing after being sick for nearly 4 years from complications from Mennengitis brought on by a viral infection from Lymes Disease, that is - you can't take "The things that don't matter" in life too serious! You'll stroke out or something and for what?, all for nothing MOST of the time.

Just a brief update for those following my resent health issues: I'm waiting on CT Scans taken of my brain on Wednesday, I had hoped to have heard from my specialist by now, but I guess (hopefully) it will be Monday that I find out what is happening.

Meanwhile, honestly I'm not doing so good. I'm dealing with blinding headaches on a daily basis and my memory continues to fail me. I'm optomistic that when we get started on treatment for this infection of my skull and possible infection in my brain, that I'll be okay after some heavy duty antibiotic treatments and possible surgery. Sorry to bum anyone out, just updating my friends in here who I know are interested in how I am doing.

I have grown humble and a bit mellower as I see my solid grasp on things weakening. Being 45 years old and in relatively good physical shape, I would hope to be healthier than I currently am, but it's been a tough road since June of 2001 - an eye opener that I would not wish on anyone, except for the fact that my prospective on what is and is not important has truly changed.

My wife Tracey is sitting behind me reading this and she commented that my skill of communication is still pretty sharp: I hope that my ability to write never leaves me, that is the one true gift that I think I have been blessed with and to see it wither away would be like seeing me fade into nothingness.

So, enjoy the forum folks. Don't beat up on each other on silly protocoll issues. I'll be back in the forum soon, I promise - it's just hard for me to concentrate right now. I'm not a worrier, I just can't think through the headaches and I'm spending more time with my family then with my Internet friends right now because I know where priorities should be and I value my family and the comfort they give me. But rest assured, I'll be back and hopefully as sharp as ever  :lol:  Just taking a break and enjoying the bees as they fly by the thousands a minute in and out of the hives.

Talk again to you all soon.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

Mark Allen

I have my grandfathers bee lining boxes There are three boxes used in his method. Would gladly send anyone pictures and dimensions. Used them last month to locate a tree 100 yards from house.  Easy to make and a lot simpler than the methods that are described on all these sights.


Thanks for posting this. I never get around to looking this stuff up on eBay myself. Very interesting.
"If you have no money and you have few possessions, if you have a dog you are still rich"
"Forgiveness is easier to get than permission"