Georgia Bee Business/Equipment for Sale

Started by shbowen1960, October 20, 2004, 05:51:51 PM

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I am retiring and have my entire business up for sale in south Georgia. I have approx. 525 bee colonies, 2200 supers, Uncapper, 2 extractors, Bobcat 640 w/trailer, 1984 Dodge 1 ton truck w/flatbed, 1987 Toyota 1 ton truck w/flatbed and misc. items such as barrels, scales, handtrucks, etc. I have everything you would need to start up a bee business or expand the one you have. Asking $95,000. Please call if interested: Clyde Hannah 912-283-3086


Good Luck with your sale, I hope you get to share some of your experiences (both good and bad) with our members. I know many members here dream of moving beyond the backyard beekeeping level into small commercial - I'm sure you could offer some incredible insight to the whole experience.

Enjoy your retirement, I wish everyone the chance to make it to a healthy and long retirement after a life time of hard work, we all deserve that!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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The business is no longer for sale. Thanks