National Public Radio Interview done

Started by beemaster, November 08, 2004, 01:47:05 AM

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John it sounds like it was a great time for both of you. I know that the Lakehurst tour is impressive (first hand experience). I also know that you communicate a love for the girls that is contaigious. I can hear the enjoyment in your post. Good for both of you .. I can't wait to hear it.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


It certainly sounds as if your presentation went well. Can't wait to hear the program air. Hopefully it will be available throughout the country and maybe get some more people interested in beekeeping. I'm sure you done us all proud (including our girls) and we'll all benefit in one way or another from this.


Just a quick note...

It was a fun day and Laura was really excited to see inside a beehive for the first time in her life. I left out that when she was taping the buzzing sounds my neighbor had some really loud Polka music blairing away and Laura walked next door to ask him to kill the music. He popped his head out of the upstairs window and asked what was up, I explained she was from NPR doing a show on the bees and needed quiet to record the bee sounds.

My neighbor is fairly ecclectic in his music tastes, it started out with Ava Maria and went to B.B. King and finally Polka, poor Laura is still shaking her head at his musical sequaying - lol. So he cooperated and she got a few good sound bites to either loop for background sound or just use for sampling in the final production.

And Rog, you were mentioned in the taping process when we were talking about swarming, so keep an ear our for any 15 seconds of fame that may follow - lol.

Laura has also visited the forum and website frequently over the last few weeks and is VERY IMPRESSED with the gentleness of this forum, she even pointed out that it is RARE to find a group of people who are so cooperative and non-combative as this. It was really great to hear such kind words from someone (city folk as my Mom would call her - lol) enjoyed visiting with our members and to see how helpful everyone is.

More later :)
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Quote from: beemaster
Laura has also visited the forum and website frequently over the last few weeks and is VERY IMPRESSED with the gentleness of this forum, she even pointed out that it is RARE to find a group of people who are so cooperative and non-combative as this. It was really great to hear such kind words from someone (city folk as my Mom would call her - lol) enjoyed visiting with our members and to see how helpful everyone is.

More later :)

I guess you told her

Wait for it

That we were on our best BEEhavior!

I crack myself up sometimes.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world

Beth Kirkley

Roger LOL  :roll:

You should tell her that it's the bees that make us so great. When you love bees you must be patient waiting for the finished honey, and the bees are great stress relievers too.


You also learn humility.
Nothing like going into a hive this time of year with a little wind and wearing shorts sandals and a t-shirt.
For some reason the smoke seems to rile them up
But you have to go in and do what needs to be done and you realise that you are only there cause they are letting you be there.
I find it very interesting that they are letting you do things that in the wild would be completely considered a attack on a hive and I'm sure would be met with a very agressive response. Yet they allow me to more or less rip their hive apart, manipulate the frames and put it all back together, without a sting.
More and more I understand John's Tai Chi of beekeeping.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"