The rooster that makes me laugh!!!

Started by Cindi, May 04, 2008, 11:52:09 AM

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Cindi do you have a flashlight that is halogin? If so take a tolite paper tube and place it over the flash light and then bend the other open end so that it only leaves about a half inch round. Then you can candle the eggs from the large end. It is the easiest candler you can make. ONe out of a flash light but it has to be the newer ones with the high power that dont eat your batteries down. I would make sure and check and the ones that are not rocking I would check or give them a slight giggle to see if they slosh. If they do take them out right away.


Brian D. Bray

QuoteHe has 4 banty hens that are laying eggs and I am going to incubate them soon, been gathering them.  There is another banty hen that he was the sire, (is that what they are called in chicky language, hee, hee) to.  She is pretty, she looks like the other bantys except that she has the fluffy neck feathers and a darker head.  Her eggs are light beige though.  I know she was hatched from him because of the neck.  The other banties were hatched out from another banty rooster we had, they look just like him, sleek, we don't have him anymore.

It is funny, this banty rooster is quite friendly as is his 1/2 daughter.  The other three banty hens are freaks!!!  I have never seen more skittery birds and I really am not impressed with them, they bug me because they are so skittery.

Aurcanna crosses will lay eggs that range from Tan to tinted, and from rose red through blue and green.  A 3/4 cross (daughter and father) should give you either blue or green.  The color of the cross out egg depends on 2 things: 1. Breed crossed with, and 2. Which sex was the aurcanna.  A sired chick will give blue or pink eggs on 1st cross and a maternal auracanna with give you a tinted egg closer in color to the mothers egg color on 1st cross.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


I'm sorry guys.  I am just not getting something here.  All the bantys are laying beige eggs.  Narry a blue one, nor a pink one nor a purple one, hee, hee.

Are you sure that the Banty rooster is an Auracana breed?  He is one cool dude.

I had to get a laugh out of him last evening.  I could see a chicken relaxing in the sawdust barn, she was laying down on her stomach.  Well, if that little dude didn't think he was gonna have some fun.  I watched him.  He went over to her, did that little rooster dance and then proceeded to try to mate with her.  What a joke.  This bird is about 4 times as big as him and it was like looking at a pea on a watermelon.  I don't think any copulation took place, but he was gonna give it his best shot.  What gives, he has 4 of his own size, I guess sometimes greed just takes over, hee, hee.  Have a beautiful most wonderful day.  Cindi

Angi, I have read your instructions about the candler and the toilet paper roll thing about 9 times, still trying to make sense of what you are saying.  I will get it eventually, I just really have issues with conceptual ideas, that is why I cannot build and design, waw, waw, waw.

I will be leaning on you for some advice about how to do the work on the roosters claws, yes, I see that the hooks are getting rather big, and I want the turkey to have his kept short too. I have heard that the turkeys can rip open the hens when they are mating.  I can believe that, by watching how much they stand on the hens backs and stomp on her.  Have you ever had the toms' claws rip a females back?  C.
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Brian D. Bray

There are some Belgium and Netherland breeds of bantums that have the same type of tuffs as Auracaanas.  Visit Strombergs Hatchery web site and look for a name with Quail in it.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Brian, thanks, I did a search and also searched on the internet.  I am thinkin' that Crickety Creek is a "Belgium Quail" bantam, or something pretty darn close.  This site that I went to shows a picture that looks pretty much like him for sure.  Nice to know that he may have a breed identification, cool.  He is a cool little dude and he is very friendly, which is what I like.  I should try and get a picture of his daughter, she is much more pretty than the other banty hens we have.  She has slight tuffs around her face like him, but not nearly as fluffy.  I will try to get a pic, she is a little more friendly too.  I haven't quite figured out any use for those stupid bantys hens that are not friendly, too small for the pot and too scittery to even see half the time.  Beautiful and wonderful day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Yes every breeding season about 2 times a season. under the wing and on there backs by the tail head. But you would be amaized at how fast and how well they heal. I have had a rooster do the same thing to a hen because his was pointed. That is when I started de spuring and letting them grow back slowly. And they seem to grow back more slower. Let me know when you want to de spur it is quite easy.



Angi, thank you for that gracious offer to teach me how to despur.  I will lean on you.  Richard still has only bumps on his legs where the spurs are growing, but I would imagine that they will grow fast.

Richard was doing something weird yesterday. The hens are bringing their babies out of their barn and basking in the sun, the babies are so ding dang cute, 13 turkeys and one yellow chick that thinks its a turkey, wonder how they communicate?  If the chick understands the lingo of the turkey mothers.  The turkey mothers are so gentle when they walk around, it is like they watch every single step so they don't crush the babies, they are lovely mothers, and Richard loves the babies too.  He stands around them all puffed up most of the day.  Now and then he will go around and do some grazing.  I let him out of their house and little yard in the morning, and he follows me to let the other chickens out, he is such my pal.  Then he comes back and just hangs out around the baby pen and buffs, thwomps, and puffs his feathers out constantly, he is a good daddy too, I can tell that.  I watched closely for any signs of aggression towards the poults, nothing, he just wants to protect and watch them, so cute.

Right, getting back to that weird thing.  I think he is getting horny or something.  He does that motion of humping over his body and stomping on the ground, he was stomping on a stick yesterday.  It is the same motion when he is on top of the hen mating her.  Can't figure out why he would do it with a stick or just on the plain earth.  That is kind of weird to me. 

Have you seen toms do this mating motion when there is no hen beneath him?  Curiosity never got this cat, hee, hee.  Beautiful and most wonderful day in our great lives.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Yummmmm Yaaaaa haaaaa ummmmmm Yes Turkey toms will beep. Sorry I could not figure out a way to put it lightly. But they will even get it on with a rock, a feeder or even a stuffed animal. when the hens have been sitting for as long as they have and they wont allow for him to breed them again till the poults are about a month to a month and half old. They will start laying again ans allow him to breed. As when it gets to hot they wont breed.



Um Uhh. cockatiels do too...P.A. loves his perch... :shock:  The daycare kids got quite an education over here with all the animals.. :roll: I used a dog toenail clipper on my roosters spurs, then filed them smooth.  You could probably use like a dremmel if you are careful?
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Ahh, hah,ha, hahh, hah, ha, how in the world do you spell laughing anyways, well, I am, laughing that is.  I picture Richard finding one of my youngest Nieces stuffed animals and having the time of his life.

When he was on this stick it was so funny I almost killed myself laughing at him!!!  I had left a 2X2 stick about 4 feet long on the ground, I was going to do something with it later, didn't, and hadn't put it away yet.  Well Richard was trying to balance on this 2X2 that was laying flat on the ground.  It kept rolling over as he was doing his humpy thing and he kept losing his balance.  I thought he was trying to perch on it or something in a really weird way.  So now I know exactly what he thought was doing.  That is such a dumb and funny thing at the same time.

Whoppo is gone!!!  Now that has made my day.

Serious.  He was getting so intimidating to me and wouldn't back down, he actually was beginning to intimidate me intensely and I don't get intimidated by critters.  But he was doing a good job of making me that way.  I put him over in a rabbit pen for a couple of days until we could figure out what to do with this lad.  I didn't realize what a pleasure it was to work among all the chickens and stuff without hearing him hissing at me all the time and having to keep an eye out for where he was.  I really never realized how bad it was until his presence was not there.  How nice.  I don't even think that the hens missed him.

The fellow who took the 4 nucs that I made came by yesterday and he raises Muscovys and wanted to have a look at Whoppo, he needed some new genes in his flock.  So he did, and man was he impressed with his size.  Good for Whoppo, someone liked him.  He took him in a heart beat and was very happy that he was so big because he would throw some pretty nice young.  I was happy.  That was a good day.

We have Muscovy babies coming out our ears here, so we don't need any more stock.  My Sister and I are going to do an experiment and raise one of the nicer looking young drakes and really make him people friendly.  We will see when he grows up if he has nasty genes or not.  It will be very clear by the time he is old enough for making what his temperament will be.  I remember that I was told that the mean genes are passed on to the males, I am listening to that, but I also want to see for myself if Whoppo throws really aggressive genes, just for my own curiosity.  If this new drake, after being handled from a young age by humans is aggressive, he will go by the wayside too and we will get some different genes in that gene pool.  We'll see.

We have 3 more muscovy ducks who will go broody soon.  I have been saving eggs for that day, rotating that they get no older than a week old for viability.  One hen has been sitting now for 2 weeks and she will hatch out at least 12 I would say and about 35 in the incubator.  Yep, ducks and ducks and more ducks.  Beautiful and most wonderful day, lovin' our groovey fun life.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


 Cindi:  "Yep, ducks and ducks and more ducks."

Me:  Yes, yes, yes, bring on the ducks and onions!!!!!!  :-D :-D :-*

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JP, you wouldn't believe this.  Remember that post of Brian's where he spoke about "when animals talk" and he can decipher what they are saying.  Whoppo was hissing that he would have rather gone to your great big roaster bag with the spices and onions than go to this new place where he will be with other drakes.  He won't be king of their yard, he was an amazing bird, hee, hee.  Have this wonderful and awesome day, enjoy.....dream of that Whoppo dinner!!!  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Quote from: Cindi on May 11, 2008, 11:10:43 AM
JP, you wouldn't believe this.  Remember that post of Brian's where he spoke about "when animals talk" and he can decipher what they are saying.  Whoppo was hissing that he would have rather gone to your great big roaster bag with the spices and onions than go to this new place where he will be with other drakes.  He won't be king of their yard, he was an amazing bird, hee, hee.  Have this wonderful and awesome day, enjoy.....dream of that Whoppo dinner!!!  Cindi

Don't tell me you 86ed him!!!!  My buddy?????? :'( :'( :'( :-*

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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JP, not sure what 86ed means, but I presume that means lopping off the head.

Nope, there was some info in another post I made, forgot to put that info here I guess.  Whoppo went to a pal of mine's place that bought some nucs from me yesterday.  He will get a good home there.  He will be with a few other drakes, but he will have hens to breed with until he can breed no more.  He will get worn out there are so many, hee, hee.  Maybe he won't be so aggressive to human folk when he has to worry about his arse and other drakes, hee, hee.  I won't miss him one little bit, he was becoming far too mean and even having the knock down physical fights with him, he wouldn't back down.  I got a few good duck bites on the calf and am pretty bruised.  He was a nasty one.  I am very relieved not to have to watch my back around here, it is actually a very pleasant experience not hearing that hissing coming around from every corner I turn.  Oh, poor Whoppo.  He actually was a very good breeder, he was protecting his territory and I was an intruder.  It is just too bad that he saw me that way, I had no interest whatsoever in taking over his girls, any which way he thought I might.  Great day, beautiful day, love our life we live. Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


I know you will miss him!!!! You know it!!!!! :'( :'( :'( ;)

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Cindi You can keep muscovy eggs for up to 2 weeks. Dont toss out only one week old eggs. Chicken and duck and turkey eggs are viable for up to 2 weeks before they need to be sat. I hold my eggs and set every 2 weeks and I have 100% fertality with 100% hatch rates in the sportsman incubator. I should have the first muscovy hen to hatch out eggs here soon. Then they should follow by every week for 2 to 2 1/2 weeks hatching.



Angi, oh that is good to know.  I remember us talking about the length of the viability of eggs, somewhere in those cobwebs of my mind I remember something about the viability was reduced drastically after about a week, good to know that ducks eggs can hold longer.  Yep, I will keep saving them then.  Like I was saying, I have 3 more ducks that will more than likely go broody soon.  I am getting 3 eggs a day, each one is laying. 

I will have to get the pictures into internet format and post them.  The duck and her ducklings in the tall grass behind the apiary look so ding dang cool. She is mostly white, her name is Lovely Lady, and her ducklings are yellow and two are yellow and brown, what a pretty thing that is to see them meandering through the tall grass.  It will be short today, as I am on a mowing agenda to get the grass short.  That was the clover will will go nuts out there.  If I leave the grass tall, the clover has no where to set forth its flowers, it needs to be shortened.  Have that awesome and most wonderful day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service