Natural Comb after 2 weeks

Started by JordanM, June 02, 2008, 05:33:06 PM

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This is comb from my bees after 2 weeks.

This first picture is of a few capped worker and drone cells.

This 2nd picture is of the whole comb on the center frame.

Does it look like they are progressing well?


looks great, watch out though! my hive looked like that (I started with 5 frame nucs) about a week after install. And now here we are 3 weeks later and the hive is 85% full! I have to rush out and buy another brood hive tomorrow! So be ready ;) once they get the hang of it, they really work their little buns off. :)
beekeeper in central Maine
Finally getting bees again! 6/12/13