John Deere Farmer Tycoon has bee's

Started by Horns Pure Honey, December 22, 2004, 02:25:07 PM

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Horns Pure Honey

I got this game a month ago and it has bee hives and flower gardens and every other thing you could emagine. I think it is fun in the winter when you cant be out with your real bees. bye
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

So is this game sort of like the Zoo Tycoon or Rollercoaster Tycoon?
( I have those two, and love them. )


Horns Pure Honey

Yes but insted you controll many diff. kinds of farms and one thing you can put on your farm is bee hives. I put alot of hives on it but there is so much work that 8 workers, I think out of 10, cant take care of all the hives I put in. You can plant crops and harvest and raise animals. There are gardens and green houses and employees. It is great, I recomend it. bye
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

I looked it up on the net, and it looks really cute! At only $20 bucks too, I may just have to get it. I enjoy the other tycoon games, and the farming thing would be my stye. :)


Horns Pure Honey

I play it alot anymore the colder it gets. You can pick what levels to put it on and you can play all over the USA and the info is easy to understand. And there are differnt types of farms to run or just free play it. bye
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

I decided I'm going to buy the game, but can't find it locally, so I'll get it on-line. Tonight I'm downloading a 60 minute demo, and because I have only dial-up, it's taking 5 HOURS to download. (sigh, crazy)

Have you ever played rollercoaster tycoon or zoo tycoon? I think the zoo tycoon is a blast, and since this "American Farmer" has animals, I think I'll like it alot too. It's silly, but it's right up my alley - running a farm, a dream farm, on the computer. :)


Horns Pure Honey

I have them all, even all the new ones, I got them 6 months before they came out for my birth day. My sisters boyfreind is getting into computers and got them for me becuase his freinds work with the company. bye
Ryan Horn