Checking bees in bad weather

Started by gaucho10, June 15, 2008, 07:47:41 PM

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I know that a beekeeper is supposed to open his/her hives on a nice sunny, warm day to make everything go smooth.  But.....I installed two NUCs two weeks ago and the weather has been terrible ( cold, hot rain, overcast).  I don't know if my queens are alive or how the brood are doing.  One hive is pretty active with b ees coming in and out but the other appeares to be not very acive and very few bees.  Is it unbeecoming to open a hive in such situations regardless of how the bees might feel about this? 
My favorite comedy program used to be Glenn Beck--The only thing is that after I heard the same joke over and over again it became BOOOORING.....

People who have inspired me throughout my life---Pee-wee Herman, Adolph Hitler, George W. Bush, Glenn Beck.
Notice I did not say they were people who I admire !!!


hey Gaucho!
I had the same problem last year(my first year) with one hive busy and one hive slow. I switched the hives around(traded places) and tricked the bees! I did this in the afternoon/evening and all the bees what were out gathering stuff went to the other hives..Get it?
This made both my hives strong :)
your friend,


Try not to do it in a downpour, and expect the girls to be a bit more testy, but you can do it in the bad weather. if it's actually raining, try to keep the rain from going into the hive if you can.

"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC